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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Our Team


As a kid growing up, I played every sport. I loved to compete even at a younger age. As I got older, I started to eliminate the sports I was not as passionate about. When I got to high school I was left with my two favorites, baseball and basketball. As a 5’9” 140lb senior in high school, I focused all of my attention to baseball, which led to an opportunity to play at the next level. I was offered a walk on spot to play at Wayne State University. During off season workouts, and before the season even started, I walked into the coaches office and quit the team. I wasn’t cut out for that type of grind and at the time didn’t have the mental strength necessary to endure the early mornings/late nights of a college athlete. From there I transferred to a community college for 1 year before transferring again to Michigan state. I thought my baseball career was over by this point. With a change of heart, I decided to train all winter with the intentions of trying out for the Michigan state baseball team. From an immature 140lb senior in high school to a now stronger minded, 175lb junior in college, I felt I was ready to play the game I love again. I tried out for the team. I didn’t make it. I surely thought my career in baseball was done now. Not yet. I knew I had more in the tank and decided to try one more time. A professional independent baseball league was being played at a venue 30 minutes from where I lived. A league where guys come from all across the country to play in, was right down the street from me. How convenient. After another winter of training my ass off, I went to this professional baseball leagues tryout. Having the least amount of experience there, not even playing a single inning of college baseball, I still felt like I was good enough. 120 kids showed up to tryout. 7 kids from the 120 were picked up to play. I was one of them. I made it. HARD WORK WILL ALWAYS PAY OFF. Just because one person tells you no, that doesn’t mean give up. I chased my dreams and I made it.


When that chapter of my life ended, I needed a new place to motivate myself. I found that in the gym. I gave myself the goal to get in the best shape of my life following the end of my baseball career. That’s exactly what I did. Over the next year and a half, I dialed in my diet to a damn tee and got on the right workout program. I became almost obsessed with seeing the results and the process it took to get them, I wanted to help others do the same. I got my certification as a personal trainer and TWF was born. Word started to spread and less than a year later, I was training and helping to change the lives of 100 people a week. The best part about this whole thing is helping people achieve things both physically and mentally that they never thought were possible. TWF is a mindset, it’s a lifestyle. It’s not just going for a workout and then going home. We change the way you look and feel. Come join the family, you won’t regret it


Being active has always been a big part of my life. It all started for me when I was 4 ½ and my parents put me in our summer swim team. I enjoyed the sport and what it taught from a young age, team work, dedication, disciple and commitment. I swam for over 10 years and stopped when I tore both my rotator cuffs. After swimming I kept active but couldn’t stick to a routine. I went to college and continued to sporadically work out at the gym in my apartment. After I graduated, I settled down, got married and became a mom shortly after. My work out days seemed to be a vision of the past. I worked and took care of my family. I needed something more. In the summer of 2020 , I went with my friend to one of Todd’s classes. It was a new beginning for me. I was more than a mother and a wife. I was a strong independent woman. It gave me confidence and sparked a wellness and fitness program for me. As your teacher, I hope to help you achieve your goals. To help you be the stronger and healthier version of yourself.